Tuesday 17 October 2017

Why I want to Leave this Planet!
Just briefly!


Frightening times.
The problem with the planet at the moment, is, we have evolved into a new species. Well, some of us have.
Millions of years ago, there were Hominids, the first breakaway from the apes.
Followed by Homo Erectus.
Then Homo Habilis.
Then Homo Sapiens.
Then to what a lot of us are at the moment, Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
But there seems to be quite a few who belong to the new species of our evolution.
Homo Sapiens Gullibalis.
These are the ones that are becoming more and more prominent around the world. They are reproducing at an alarming rate and there are powerful people who are using them to further their own devastating agendas.
For example, we had Nigel Farage and he told stories and lies and Homo Sapiens Gullibalis believed every word.
Boris Johnson told stories and lies and Homo Sapiens Gullibalis believed every word.
Donald Trump, even though he is a member of the species Homo Sapiens Gullibalis, as well as a member of the species Homo Sapiens Fucktard (very few of these about), he managed to persuade millions of Homo Sapiens Gullibalis (most of the US deep South) into voting for him.

Hence why I want to leave this planet.

Hope that clears up a few things.

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